Ikkita pitsa qoidasi
Qonunlar 0 06.08.2023 373

Agar siz jamoani ikkita pitsa bilan to'ydira olmasangiz, bu juda katta.

(Jeff Bezos)

Ushbu qoida kompaniyaning kattaligidan qat'i nazar, jamoalar ikkita pitssa bilan oziqlanadigan darajada kichik bo'lishi kerakligini ko'rsatadi. Jeff Bezos va Amazonga tegishli bo'lgan bu e'tiqod katta jamoalar tabiatan samarasiz ekanligini ko'rsatadi. Bu shuni tasdiqlaydiki, jamoa hajmi chiziqli ravishda oshgani sayin, odamlar o'rtasidagi aloqalar kvadratik ravishda oshadi; Shunday qilib, muvofiqlashtirish va muloqot qilish narxi ham kvadratik tarzda oshadi. Agar ushbu muvofiqlashtirish xarajatlari asosan qo'shimcha xarajatlar bo'lsa, unda kichikroq jamoalarga ustunlik berish kerak.

Odamlar o'rtasidagi aloqalar soni n (n-1)/2 sifatida ifodalanishi mumkin, bu erda n = odamlar soni.

The Two Pizza Rule
Qonunlar 0 06.08.2023 373

If you can't feed a team with two pizzas, it's too large.

(Jeff Bezos)

This rule suggests that regardless of the size of the company, teams should be small enough to be fed by two pizzas. Attributed to Jeff Bezos and Amazon, this belief suggests that large teams are inherently inefficient. This is supported by the fact that as the team size increases linearly, the links between people increases quadratically; thus the cost of coordinating and communicating also grows quadratically. If this cost of coordination is essentially overhead, then smaller teams should be preferred.

The number of links between people can be expressed as n(n-1)/2 where n = number of people.