Occam's Razor
Qonunlar 0 06.08.2023 519

Occam's Razor Wikipedia

Ob'ektlar zaruratsiz ko'paytirilmasligi kerak.

William of Ockham

Occam's razorning ta'kidlashicha, bir nechta mumkin bo'lgan echimlar orasida eng ko'p ehtimolli yechim eng kam miqdordagi tushuncha va taxminlarga ega bo'lgan echimdir. Ushbu yechim eng sodda va tasodifiy murakkablik va yuzaga kelishi mumkin bo'lgan salbiy oqibatlarga olib kelmasdan, faqat berilgan muammoni hal qiladi.

Shuningdek qarang:

Namuna: Lean Software Development: Eliminate Waste

Occam's Razor
Qonunlar 0 06.08.2023 519

Occam's Razor on Wikipedia

Entities should not be multiplied without necessity.

William of Ockham

Occam's razor says that among several possible solutions, the most likely solution is the one with the least number of concepts and assumptions. This solution is the simplest and solves only the given problem, without introducing accidental complexity and possible negative consequences.

See also:

Example: Lean Software Development: Eliminate Waste