O'lik dengiz effekti
Prinsiplar +1 06.08.2023 374

O'lik dengiz effekti Bruce F. Webster

"... [T] ko'proq iqtidorli va samarali IT muhandislari ketishlari mumkin bo'lganlar - bug'lanish uchun ... [qolganlar] ortda qoladiganlar [qoldiqlar] - eng kam qobiliyatli va samarali IT muhandislari. ."

Bryus F. Webster

"O'lik dengiz effekti" har qanday tashkilotda muhandislarning ko'nikmalari / iste'dodlari / samaradorligi ko'pincha ularning kompaniyadagi vaqtiga teskari proportsional ekanligini ko'rsatadi.

Odatda, yuqori malakali muhandislar boshqa joyda ish topishni oson topadilar va birinchi bo'lib buni amalga oshiradilar. Eskirgan yoki zaif ko'nikmalarga ega muhandislar kompaniyada qolishga moyil bo'ladi, chunki boshqa joyda ish topish qiyin. Bu, ayniqsa, agar ular kompaniyada ishlagan vaqtlari davomida qo'shimcha maoshni oshirgan bo'lsalar, yaqqol namoyon bo'ladi, chunki boshqa joylarda ekvivalent ish haqi olish qiyin bo'lishi mumkin.

The Dead Sea Effect
Prinsiplar +1 06.08.2023 374

The Dead Sea Effect on Bruce F. Webster

"... [T]he more talented and effective IT engineers are the ones most likely to leave - to evaporate ... [those who tend to] remain behind [are] the 'residue' — the least talented and effective IT engineers."

Bruce F. Webster

The "Dead Sea Effect" suggests that in any organisation, the skills/talent/efficacy of engineers is often inversely proportional to their time in the company.

Typically, highly skilled engineers find it easy to gain employment elsewhere and are the first to do so. Engineers who have obsolete or weak skills will tend to remain with the company, as finding employment elsewhere is difficult. This is particularly pronounced if they have gained incremental pay rises over their time in the company, as it can be challenging to get equivalent remuneration elsewhere.