Spotify modeli
Qonunlar 0 06.08.2023 412

 Spotify Modeli - Spotify Labs

Spotify modeli - bu "Spotify" tomonidan ommalashtirilgan jamoa va tashkilot tuzilishiga yondashuv. Ushbu modelda jamoalar texnologiyalar emas, balki xususiyatlar bo'yicha tashkil etilgan.

Spotify modeli, shuningdek, tashkiliy tuzilmaning boshqa tarkibiy qismlari bo'lgan qabilalar, gildiyalar, bo'limlar tushunchalarini ommalashtiradi.

Tashkilot a'zolari ushbu guruhlarning haqiqiy ma'nosi o'zgarib, rivojlanib borayotganini va doimiy eksperiment ekanligini ta'kidladilar. Modelning sobit model emas, balki harakatdagi jarayon ekanligi, konferentsiyalarda xodimlar tomonidan taqdim etilgan taqdimotlarga asoslanishi mumkin bo'lgan tuzilmaning turli xil talqinlariga olib keladi. Bu shuni anglatadiki, "oniy suratlar" uchinchi shaxslar tomonidan qat'iy tuzilma sifatida "qayta qadoqlanishi" mumkin, chunki model dinamikligi yo'qoladi.

The Spotify Model
Qonunlar 0 06.08.2023 412

The Spotify Model on Spotify Labs

The Spotify Model is an approach to team and organisation structure which has been popularised by 'Spotify'. In this model, teams are organised around features, rather than technologies.

The Spotify Model also popularises the concepts of Tribes, Guilds, Chapters, which are other components of their organisation structure.

Members of the organisation have described that the actual meaning of these groups changes, evolves and is an on-going experiment. The fact that the model is a process in motion, rather than a fixed model continues to lead to varying interpretations of the structure, which may be based on presentations given by employees at conferences. This means 'snapshots' may be 're-packaged' by third parties as a fixed structure, with the fact that the model is dynamic being lost.