Ushbu qonun tizimning texnik chegaralari tashkilot tuzilishini aks ettirishini taklif qiladi. Tashkilotni takomillashtirishni ko'rib chiqishda u odatda tilga olinadi, Konvey qonuni shuni ko'rsatadiki, agar tashkilot ko'plab kichik, uzilgan birliklarga tuzilgan bo'lsa, u ishlab chiqaradigan dasturiy ta'minot bo'ladi. Agar tashkilot xususiyatlar yoki xizmatlarga yo'naltirilgan "vertikallar" atrofida ko'proq qurilgan bo'lsa, dasturiy ta'minot tizimlari ham buni aks ettiradi.
Shuningdek qarang: The Spotify Model
This law suggests that the technical boundaries of a system will reflect the structure of the organisation. It is commonly referred to when looking at organisation improvements, Conway's Law suggests that if an organisation is structured into many small, disconnected units, the software it produces will be. If an organisation is built more around 'verticals' which are oriented around features or services, the software systems will also reflect this.
See also: The Spotify Model