Dilbert printsipi
Prinsiplar +1 06.08.2023 387

The Dilbert Principle on Wikipedia

Kompaniyalar layoqatsiz xodimlarni ish jarayonidan olib tashlash uchun boshqaruvga muntazam ravishda ko'tarishga moyildirlar.

Scott Adams

Skott Adams (Dilbert komiks yaratuvchisi) tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan boshqaruv konsepsiyasi, Dilbert printsipi Piter printsipidan ilhomlangan. Dilbert printsipiga ko'ra, hech qachon malakali bo'lmagan xodimlar etkazilishi mumkin bo'lgan zararni cheklash uchun rahbarlikka ko'tariladi. Adams birinchi marta 1995 yilda Wall Street Journal maqolasida printsipni tushuntirgan va uni 1996 yilda "Dilbert printsipi" biznes kitobida kengaytirgan.

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The Dilbert Principle
Prinsiplar +1 06.08.2023 387

The Dilbert Principle on Wikipedia

Companies tend to systematically promote incompetent employees to management to get them out of the workflow.

Scott Adams

A management concept developed by Scott Adams (creator of the Dilbert comic strip), the Dilbert Principle is inspired by The Peter Principle. Under the Dilbert Principle, employees who were never competent are promoted to management in order to limit the damage they can do. Adams first explained the principle in a 1995 Wall Street Journal article, and expanded upon it in his 1996 business book, The Dilbert Principle.

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